Tuesday 22 September 2015

Vice Chancellors Welcome Talk

One of the main things the Vice Chancellor was trying to get across was the importance of staying focused and getting stuck in with the work. "don't put things off, don't procrastinate", this is something I know I need to work on this year.

One of the other things mentioned during the welcome talk was that staff have often said that events and talks that they set up are not very well attended, and students say the events set up are often seen as not relevant to them and their practice. So their suggestion was to take the risk and attend talks that might seem irrelavent or even contradictory to your work as you never know what could come out of it. It could spark an idea you never would have considered, or it could lead to a job or gallery opportunity you would have otherwise not have known about.

I will take these pointers with me as I embark on my second year.

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