Monday 28 September 2015

Student Led Seminar

My feedback was really good, they said I had good presentation skills - I read slowly and clearly. I would like to start being able to talk about my work with less prompts, but this is something I will have to work on as I am not a very confident speaker.

After my presentation some questions were raised about feminism and the human body. Part of the future intention of my work is to paint the body in a way that is not feminist, nor politic. My fellow student Alice said it is almost impossible to paint the female body without it being feminist, this is something I would like to challenge because I do not completely agree with her. I feel it is something that is not often done, and that I would find it a difficult challenge but it's something I would like to attempt.

Some ideas the tutors gave me to look at were:

Helen Chadwick - themes of body and nature. I actually wrote my essay in BA1 around Helen Chadwick so already know quite a lot about her work and have taken inspiration from it.

Regarding my use of texture - what does it really add to the piece. If not wanting to be feminist, using cloth or other household domestic materials, may be a bit misleading.
My response: I really enjoy adding texture to my work with textiles, however I can see how the use of sewing (a very domestic activity) and suggestive fabric such as lace could alter the meaning of my work slightly. I might have to consider other ways to create texture in the work.

Some advice and ideas that were given to other students that I should consider for future presentations also:

If you're talking about a work make sure you have an image of it.

Be clear. Have a structure.

If you can't use the imagery we are bombarded with by social media what can you use?

I have found the experience of delivering a presentation to a small group a good learning experience. Presenting has always been a weak area for me and I feel the more I present the better and more confident I will hopefully become. I feel something that often holds me back when talking about my work is my confidence in it. I am often not sure what I am really trying to achieve in my work, and also often not confident about my final pieces. This is maybe an area I could work on in my practice. If I gain a clearer understanding of my own work, this can only help other people also find it easier to understand.

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