Monday 23 November 2015

Gallery Presentation

This is my finished script for my presentation that I did today. 

I feel the presentation went quite well, I feel I spoke clearly even though I was very nervous. 

The only thing I would change about my poster if I were to do this again would be paying for it to be printed slightly better quality.

I decided to use my image as the background as I feel bringing a small snippet of the work into something a viewer can take away from the exhibition is a nice feature. Makes the work memorable and like they have a piece of it. The image is quite dark all over but I chose a particularly dark piece of the work as I wanted to use white text over black. I feel this looks smart and professional and you can see direct links here between my work and my practice. I used the quote as I had come across this in my research and it really impacted me and inspired me to make this piece.

These were other students' gallery leaflets: 

I like mine as it stands out and looks professional. I deliberately didn't put many words on it as I feel making a hand out too wordy can mean people don't read it or spend too much time reading it and not listening to the presentation. I did find myself guilty of both of these things when watching the other students present. I really liked Ian's leaflet (the smallest one in the first image) as there was lots of imagery to illustrate his practice and ideas.

EDITED 09/01/16: Now that I am reaching the end of this unit, I feel this presentation does not really adhere to the rest of my practice and ideas. At the time of both this presentation and the student led seminars, my work has changed direction quite dramatically.

Saturday 21 November 2015

Presentation Preparation

This is the piece I have painting in response to my initial research, I am going to talk about this piece in my gallery presentation.

These are a build up of the notes I have made over the past few weeks while developing ideas for my presentation. I looked a lot last year into how people are effected by society and how this can be delivered through art. 

Presentation script plan:

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Exhibition with Elle

We discussed when we would like to set up an exhibition, and decided with the presentations coming up in November, we would be best to plan for the new year. We decided beginning of January as this gave us enough time to prepare for it, but also enough time before our Submission deadline to write up our experiences and also make continued work.

We also have now decided we would like to hold the exhibition in one of the landings as this is where it will be seen by the most people. We also like the shape of the area better as it resembles more of a white cube space, where you can stand in the centre and view most of the work. Last year, when doing an exhibition in Project Space 4 (one of the corridors) we found it was good when exhibiting various different artists work, however if they were all by the same artist(s) you could not really look at the exhibition as a whole and consider how each piece interlinks as they are spread out over a very narrow space.

We have come up with a few various ideas. Firstly we considered making our own individual work to exhibit, then coming together to make one collaborative piece in response to our works. Secondly, we thought about making just one large scale piece to put up. Finally, (and I think this is what we both think would work best) we could make a variety of collaborative pieces and exhibit them all in the project space.

We decided to go for Project Space 3 as it is more of a square shaped space, and is slightly smaller than Project Space 1. We feel that our pieces will be a development of work rather than completely finished pieces, therefore felt PS1 possibly has more of an importance to it, and is for more finished and official exhibitions. Whereas ours may be more of an idea in progress sort of thing.

Eleanor's description of her work:

discovering the sublime and aesthetics in the movement of the human body. And how the sublime has the power to pull us apart and destroy us. Using photography and paint. The sublime is this huge vast entity that allows us to survive in it, but also has the power to completely obliterate us. How we fit into it, and how that shapes us as human beings. Subconscious.

A description of my work at the moment:

How society and the media (looking into the idea of aesthetics and beauty) distorts us as human beings and makes us distort ourselves. I am also interested in the human body as a subject for work, as well as portraiture. I have previously experimented with using the movement of my body to create a piece, and also considering the meaning of the body of the paint, and how this relates to my body. Consciously trying to fit in, but subconsciously having to distort who we truly are.

So we are both looking at ideas of aesthetics, both interested in the human body and we both use paint as our preferred medium. I also really like how our idea of using physical distortion of images can replicate the theoretical distortion that things like the sublime and society can do to us. I feel it is such a unique idea that it is really special that we have come together to create some collaborative pieces. Interesting how we are looking at the same subject but speaks to us in different ways.

We have written a preliminary explanation of our exhibition which we need to send to Carl for approval for the exhibition.

The meaning behind the work for the exhibition is using paint and photography to explore ways of distorting the human body, both physically and metaphorically, through considering critical ideas such as aesthetics and the sublime. For the exhibition there will be a selection of our individual works, accompanied by a collaborative piece. The aim of our exhibition is....

This is what we have to start with, and will finish it before sending on to Carl.

Thursday 12 November 2015

Collaborative exhbition ideas

After having a look around the studio spaces I was particularly drawn to Elle's work as she was looking at the human body and ways to distort it. My works jumps between the body and portraiture, but distortion is always a common theme. I am also interested in the idea of Aesthetics and Anti-Aesthetics, and Elle is looking at The Sublime. So I feel our work could link quite well together. I am really interested in doing a collaborative exhibition as I feel this will help develop my own work, giving me new ideas and experiences, as well as preparing me for future situations, where I may have to put on group exhibitions. I had only briefly met Elle before while working together in Year 1, in a group of 8 people, so thought collaborating with someone I was not very familiar with would also be a good learning experience as I will have to meet and work with new people in the future, whether that be in a job or for an exhibition.

I messaged Elle just explaining what my work was about and how I felt both of our ideas linked. And also expressed my interest in working collaboratively. She seemed very keen so we decided to plan a time to meet up and discuss this idea further.